Alexander Heir Top Ten – Reckless Records London

Alexander Heir Top Ten

This weeks TOP TEN is from the Legend from L.O.T.I.O.N.Alex Heir!! I had a wicked chat with Alex about Rave at the last Static Shock Festival so was super happy he sent me a Dance List! I love the fact that L.O.T.I.O.N. are influenced by The Prodigy. Alex also runs Deathtraitors which if you don’t know you really should.

dancE music


1. Dyewitness - Observing The Earth
2. Josh Wink - Don't Laugh
3. Progression - Reach Further
4. Altern8 - Activ-8 (Come With Me)
5. Laurent Garnier - Crispy Bacon
6. Blunted Dummies - House For All
7. Sequential - Death House
8. Messiah - There Is No Law
9. Skin Up - Blockbusters
10. Pancake - Don't Turn Your Back